Dr Bea Esthétique
Beauty the French Way by dr Bea!
A beautiful woman is a nurtured woman. Through proper care and the right selection of aesthetic treatments, we can enable the skin to look flawless, irrespective of the aging process.
Choose the best for yourself
Ultraformer III is a non-surgical treatment that uses advanced ultrasound technology to instantly target sagging skin on the face, neck and body.
Anti-Aging individualized approach set to health and beauty improvement. Innovative methods for treatments and aesthetic procedures.
Laser Hair Removal -Alma Soprano Titanium uses the latest technology and provides long-lasting results.
Derma Clear treatment offers an innovative solution for radiant, clear, and nourished skin.
Pro Ballancer is an innovative device that performs Pressotherapy, also known as mechanical lymphatic drainage.
Before and After
Get acquainted with our work.
All procedures are performed by experienced doctors at our clinic.
Frequently Asked Questions
The first examination/consultation involves setting aside time for getting to know each other and discussing. The most important thing is for you to express your wishes and expectations without hesitation. Based on that, we will propose and explain the flow/process of achieving the desired results with an individualized approach. The consultation concludes once you receive answers to all your questions, along with a written report detailing the protocol, stages, and prices of the suggested treatments.
Estetska medicina ne bavi se samo ublažavanjem već postojećih znakova starenja, već i prevencijom i održavanjem mladosti. Starosno dobra, kada treba početi je individualno i konsultacijom se postiže odgovor na Vaše pitanje.
Regija oko očiju je kompleksna i zahteva individualan pristup. Koristimo specifičan hijaluronski filer za regiju podočnjaka i mezo koktele za ublažavanje umornog izgleda lica.
Podočnjaci se tretiraju malom količinom hijaluronskog filra (0.5 ml po strani) koji se aplikuje tupom iglom (kanilom) te je tretman potpuno bezbolan.
U zavisnosti od tretirane regije, nakon tretmana, može se osetiti zatezanje, blagi bol i osećaj tvrdoće u tretiranoj regiji. Nakon 3-4 dana svi simptomi prođu.
Obavezno pri zakazivanju tretmana usana hijaluronskim filerom ili okolne regije, napomenite da ste skloni virusnim herpes infekcijama. Posavetovaćemo Vas koju terapiju da primenite par dana pre i nakon intervencije, da biste izbegli pojavu herpesa.
To se zove „gummy smile“ i uspešno se tretira primenom botoxa ili eventualno malom količinom hijaluronskog filera.
Za osveženje usana, dovoljna je količina od 0.5ml. Za uvećanje usana, u zavisnosti od početnog stanja i željenog rezultata, potrebno je od 1ml do 2ml. U jednoj sesiji, ne aplikuje se više od 1 ml